Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Keswick, Film and All Things Annoying

I think I will deal with the all things annoying first. It is official, I hate film. As we know, part of this course is to use film. Shooting with it, developing it and printing it. Not just that though. We have to compare film types and with the Fuji competition, I have decided to mix black and white with colour. All sounds great until we come to reversal film (slide film). One of the problems I have incurred so far is lack of cameras. Having to shoot colour, black and white and reversal all at the same time has proved difficult with only one film camera. To alleviate the problem I borrowed a camera from the stores. Now this was not the best quality film camera on the market (huge understatement). My thought process was to shoot the same shot with regular colour (in my own camera) and reversal film in the college one. Great in theory until when I tried to rewind the reversal film to find it jam, then snap and the back opened to expose and ruin the film. No doubt this was all my own fault in reality, but nevertheless, annoying. Solution? Borrow a different camera, buy some new film, which was not cheap I might add and re-shoot. However, the new camera has now got my film in but appears not to have loaded properly and is now stuck, I think, with the shutter open. I dare not open the back at the moment to check, otherwise I might again, ruin the film. I think the words "GRRRRRRR" come to mind.
Now on to something a bit more cheerful and happy result. I decided to take a trip to the lakes, Keswick to be exact. There were a number of reasons for this. One was the hassle listed above and the need to re-shoot some reversal film. Another was the realisation that I needed more black and white landscapes for Steve's lessons and finally just because it is a really nice spot and I had promised my wife I would take her to the Pencil Museum. Obviously the aim was to shoot film but I did take my digital and took the same images with that too. Below are a few of them.

One of the main things I wanted to do was the classic shot of a wooden jetty going into the lake. I wanted to do two images of this. One was an attempt to stitch together a panorama with five separate shots. This did not quite work out as I would have liked. Started the edit process but realised it was not going to work as it was quite windy and the waves in each image don't match up. I will try it again at some point when I can get completely still water.

The final image I wanted to get was again with the jetty but a long exposure to get a milky affect on the water. This one has worked out ok but could be better. Time was not on my side as it was getting late and in the end I could wait no longer for the sun to go down any further. It ended up with a 20 second exposure with the use of two ND filters (2 and 4) and a Grad. I am hoping that the film version comes out as well as this. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely baby but ever such the critic of your work haha x x
