Sunday 9 December 2012

Well guys it has now been three weeks of college and half term is here. Time I updated on what has been going on and how I am finding it. On the whole I have to say I am enjoying it hugely. Let's face it, it is photography at the end of the day and I will always enjoy doing anything involved in that. The course is basically broken into four sections. Some more enjoyable for me than others. First the bits that aren't so much fun for me. 
Cultural and Contextual Referencing in Art and Design, hmmmmm. This is all about how culture informs art and how it art changes and develops as culture does. The context of why and how the art was produced. How to view an image and read from it the culture and context in which it was made. Heady stuff and not really something I have done before. It is this bit that involves all the essays etc that I will have to do.
Visual Communication. Again something not that good at or done before. This bit is the "why" we take an image. What message are we trying to send, if any. It has been all so far about looking at images that have inspired me in some way. Analysing the image, trying to understand what the image is saying to me. Is that the same message that the artist was trying to give, blah blah blah. Well you get the idea. Yvette, my tutor, I think is trying to turn me into a high brow thinker. Have to say though, she is succeeding to a certain degree. The good part about this side that it involves some practical. So far got two competitions to enter and doing a live brief for the Southport Comedy Festival. Will keep you updated on those as I go along. 
The final two parts of the course are all about actually taking images. The COOL bit. Split into two it deals with digital, photographic techniques and film, darkroom techniques. Not really used film before to any great amount and certainly never used a darkroom, so all this bit is new to me and great fun.
All of it though has copious amounts of homework, which I am ploughing through steadily. Will post some images on here as I go along to give some idea of what I am up to.

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